Please refer to this page for announcements, applications and upcoming events

U Penn Food Science Workshop

Summer programs in Boston:

The Boston Leadership Institute is an award-winning summer program for high-achieving teens. Since 2011, BLI has provided unique, engaging, and valuable opportunities to thousands of students from around the United States and the world. Led by highly qualified and decorated teachers and professors from the Boston area, the ever-expanding BLI lineup covers MedicineEngineeringBusiness, and Science.

BLI offers one-week and three-week options, both of which provide students with hands-on lab experience that is rarely accessible to them in school. The subject matter is challenging and exciting, and students gain important credentials to include on college applications.  


PREFACE 2024: The Rensselaer Summer Engineering Design Program

We are excited to share information with you about the 2024 PREFACE Program at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute! PREFACE is a summer program for talented students who have been historically under-represented in science, engineering, and the technological fields, and who express a strong, early interest in pursuing careers in these areas. This year’s program will take place in-person, Sunday, July 28 through Saturday, August 10, 2024 (2 weeks), on the Rensselaer campus in Troy, NY. 

The PREFACE Program is for students who will be entering the 11th or 12th grade in the fall. Interested candidates should review the information on the PREFACE website and complete the online application.

Completed applications must be submitted by 11:59 p.m. ET on April 19, 2024. Notifications will be made to accepted students in early May.

The Center for Forensic Science Research & Education


Good afternoon,

I am pleased to share with you that we are now accepting student applications for the 2024 Forensic Science Mentoring Program. During this seven-week summer program students will have the opportunity to analyze evidence for case in the areas of forensic biology, forensic chemistry, and forensic toxicology. This program is located at our state-of-the-art facility in Horsham, PA and allows high schoolers the opportunity to receive hands on experience with current forensic science instrumentation. The position offers students an excellent opportunity to step into forensic science and truly see what it entails while developing communication and group work skills. Students will also have the chance to hear from guest speakers across all disciplines, engage in conversation with our scientists here, and visit local universities and colleges to learn more about their STEM programs. Interested students can follow the link here to apply. I would kindly ask that you pass this information and flyer below to any student that may be be interested and looking for a summer opportunity. Any questions can be sent to Savannah Baker ([email protected]).

Thank you,

Savannah Baker

FMI Program Coordinator

Hands-on Experiences

Students in the FMI Summer Science Program will learn through interactive, hands-on experiences using the same state-of-the-art instrumentation and techniques used in the world’s top forensic laboratories in three different forensic science disciplines:

Forensic Biology involves the identification of body fluids such as blood, semen and saliva from items of evidence. This is followed by DNA analysis used to identify the source of a biological sample.

Forensic Chemistry is the identification of controlled substances such as cocaine, marijuana and synthetic drugs. Also included is analysis of evidence from arson and explosives investigations.

Forensic Toxicology is the study of the effects of drugs and chemicals in the human body. This can be used to determine cause of death, impairment or used for workplace drug testing.

After examining evidence and analyzing the data, students serve as expert witnesses presenting their case in front of a judge in a trial setting. Friends and family are invited!

“I would really recommend the program. Especially because you are getting real world experiences and I think that for anyone who is really committed and passionate about science it’s such an amazing opportunity.” – FMI Student Testimonial


USNA Summer Camp: Applications are open
 I am emailing to let you know the United States Naval Academy Naval Academy Summer Seminar and Summer STEM Programs for June opened on January 4th and will close on April 15th. These programs are a great opportunity for students to learn about the Naval Academy or visit Annapolis, Maryland for a vibrant week of problem-solving, exploratory learning, critical thinking, and team building.
More information can be found here:
  • Naval Academy Summer Seminar
  • June 1-6
  • June 8-13
  • June 15-20
  • Program fee: $550.00  
  • Summer STEM Program
  • June 3-8 for current 8th graders (rising 9th graders)
  • June 10-15 for current 9th graders (rising 10th graders)
  • June 17-21 for current 10th graders (rising 11th graders)
  • Program Fee: $700.00 
There are scholarships available for those who may not be able to afford the programs and/or travel. Please do not let money be a deterrence. If you have any further questions please contact me or [email protected].

USNA :: United States Naval Academy
Savannah Patrick, Ed.D.
Regional Director, Western Region 4
Office of Admissions, United States Naval Academy
p: 410-293-1810    e: [email protected]
a: 52 King George St. Annapolis, MD 21402
For more information or to request additional camps contact:
Mrs. Mary Antoni
215 362 6160 ext 1790